
A Homemade Valentine's

Valentine's Day... commercial gimmick or romantic opportunity? I'll argue definitely the latter. What's wrong with having a day dedicated to all things romantic, loving and thoughtful. For the single ones... there is the anticipation of potentially receiving an anonymous love note, or attending a cheesy singles party where you may just happen to come across your soul mate. The dating ones...the excitement of what your date will hold. And the coupled/married ones... the enjoyment of reminiscing on times that have past, before getting home to the dishes and washing. Kidding. Our Valentine's Day as a married couple is as special as they were in the beginning, 9 years ago. But with Valentine's Day being on a Tuesday this year, it just doesn't work for us. So we've cheated and rescheduled our Valentine's date to suit.

Having an 8 month old darling little boy and no babysitter in sight, my husband and I decided to create a homemade dinner and movie date, all within ear shot of the little fellow's room and all outdoors, making the most of the glorious weather and beautiful sky. I hope there is a little something inspiring in here for you when deciding how to spoil your loved one.

Dinner included a few of our favourites:
* Assorted cheeses with cabanossi and crackers
* Salmon and creme fraiche blinis
* Prawn and boconcini pizza hearts

For Dessert we had three options:
* Love Nests (pavlova with cream and strawberries and hugs and kisses lollies on the side)
* Layers of Love (triple layer cake)
* Homemade chocolate chip ice cream with mix ins

Nearby to our table was a photo board with a few snaps of some of the year's big events and a vintage suitcase full of memories we have collected over the years to reminisce on. As gifts, we both filled a small red LOVE box with a few special things for each other (the contents of which will remain our little secret!).

As dusk arrived, we ventured over to watch a few of our favourite classic movies beneath the stars in our very own outdoor cinema.

I hope you are planning something grand for your loved/lusted one and if you're not... there's still time! xx